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All information on this blog is for informational or entertainment purposes only. I am not a financial advisor or professional on anything. So do not take anything on this site to be professional advice. Information on this blog may contain factual errors or misrepresentation of information and I am not liable for any damages caused as a result of your actions from using information on this site . The posts I write on this blog only represent my own views and no one else’s. Please do your own research and consult with a professional before making any financial decisions. Your choices are yours alone and I am not responsible for your actions.

Privacy Policy

Cookies are used to store temporary information when you visit this site. Cookies are used to track each visitor’s browsing history to personalize their experience and limit redundant page reloads from scratch. Comment areas on this blog allow users to reply to posts or other comments. When you comment, you will be asked to provide your email address, your “Name,” and a website address. The email address is to prevent automated spam and is required but will not be disclosed to the public. Your “Name” is also required and can be anything that you, as a commentator, would like to be identified by when commenting on this site. It’s okay to use a nickname. Whatever you choose for your “Name” will be visible to the public. The website URL is optional, but if you provide one it will be published as a hyperlink with your “Name” as the link text. When you visit or comment on this site, some anonymous data will be collected for marketing and research purposes. These data will include such things as your IP address, your location, what pages you’ve visited, length of visit(s), what browser and operating system you used, the resolution of your viewing device, etc. This information is collected for statistical analysis to help improve the site in the future. The data will all remain confidential. However I may sometimes publish information on this site about where in the world my visitors are coming from.

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