Jimmy Fallon also gave us a glimpse of the new console by inviting Sony on his show to demo the new Killzone:ShadowFall. Game-play looks amazing and I believe games can only get better from here.
SNE had good volume in January to the upside and the subsequent sell-off was on weak volume. SNE looks like a buy and hold at least for the duration of this year. One thing to keep in mind is that Microsoft (M) has also announced their next generation console, the XBOX 720. However, the gaming market has proven that these two consoles can co-exist at least in the previous 2 generations (PS2 - XBOX) and (PS3 - XBOX 360). Happy Gaming!
If you need more convincing, please read this article by Delian Naydenov.
Its a very convincing read and with a title like "Sony's Common Stock Could Double" I have to say, that I agree. I am personally looking for a target of $22.00/share but I would gladly take $40-$50 a share any day!